Latitudes, technology at the service of the general interest
"With super skills, how do you become super useful?"This question gave rise toLatitudesas Augustin Courtier, co-founder of the association in 2017 with 2 other engineering school students, recalls. This ambitious project, which today unites more than 500 volunteers around the 12 employees of the Association, thus encourages the civic commitment of (future) professionals in the digital world to respond to the social and environmental challenges of our time and better control the effects of digital technology.
Collective, collaborative, citizen, ... The action of Latitudes allows to "embark" more than
11,000 people per year on projects of very different natures but with the same ambition: to coordinate expertise to have an impact and raise awareness among individuals as well as organizations or "systems".
Innovate to move the lines!
This culture of impact has naturally found a very strong echo within the HLD Fund for the Mediterranean, which has chosen to commit itself alongside Latitudes by organizing a Hackathon on May 12 and 13.
"The complementarity of our expertise and the "tech" approach of Latitudes have enabled us to plan a program that is both innovative and inspiring to respond pragmatically to the issues related to the marine environmentas Christine Tarbouriech, Head of the HLD Fund for the Mediterranean, points out. Indeed,"We cannot do everything alone and the digital expertise that we bring to the table is of great value if and only if we work with partners who are familiar with the issues at hand. And this is precisely the case for the Hackathon that we are organizing with the HLD Fund for the Mediterranean, which knows the ecosystem and is already animating some of the actors involvedadds Augustin Courtier, who knows the value of the collective in such an undertaking.
24 Hours of action!
In order to design digital solutions to protect the Mediterranean, Latitudes and the HLD Fund for the Mediterranean have decided to "Prototype innovative digital solutions with a positive impact that can actually be developed with the project leaders following the Hackathon".
Concretely, on May 12 and 13 in Marseille, several teams (40 to 50 participants) will take up the challenges proposed by 4 associations:
- MerTerre: exploit and valorize the collected data related to waste in order to raise awareness and coordinate the different actors
- Pure Ocean : Collect and list information (pollution, marine ecosystems...) during sea races.
- Med Expedition: Collecting data in real time during expeditions to map, characterize and understand micro plastic pollution.
- Mare vivu: Identifying and listing marine species using artificial intelligence to fill the information gap.
The Hackathon is thus a strong time around innovation and creation that mobilizes for 24 hours complementary expertise around the tech to create sustainable solutions and federate the actors of the territory around a common issue.
See you in Marseille on May 12 and 13, 2023!