Cybersecurity, the synergies and strength of a Group

Understanding developments in cybersecurity
Cyber-attack methods are multiplying and evolving rapidly. So, to understand the new threats facing our companies, HLD called on Stoïk (a neo-insurer specializing in Cyber). Their presentation, combined with a number of case studies and the sharing of experience of some of the participants, enabled us not only to list the current risks and trends, but also to understand in concrete terms what this means for the company and the immediate impact on business. As Julien Cordouan, CTO - Head of Business and Digital Operations at HLD, explains, "this awareness-raising phase is essential, as it makes it easier to project and identify vulnerabilities, company by company".
Sharing knowledge and resources
Julien Cordouan explains: "This exchange was of a very high quality, because we enabled our CISOs (Information Systems Security Managers) to discuss together and share their problems, which were very similar in fact, by carrying out peer reviews." As a result, some of the more mature participants were able to share their experience, and provide the keys to choosing the right suppliers and recommending certain partners. Back-up strategy, secure network management, cyber consulting, user awareness-raising, asset management... the subjects are numerous, and this collaborative working day enabled us to put together a "Group panel" of 20 trusted partners on subjects such as asset protection, back-ups, training...
Defining our roadmap
"Our objective, continues Julien Cordouan, is to act as a Group. This means giving impetus, sharing knowledge and drawing on best practices across the board to define a common framework, within which we leave everyone a great deal of freedom". The Group's companies have thus defined 4 common priority issues for 2024, over and above their specific challenges:
- Automated penetration testing for greater responsiveness
- Selection of a preferred MDR (Managed Detection and Response)
- Protection against DDoS attacks
- Back-up strategy implementation and testing (servers and Office environment)
Relying on the strength of the Group
"As the saying goes, the strongest in the group is never as strong as the group, adds Julien Cordouan, and we believe that each company must be able to rely on operational support from HLD to ensure its security as well as its growth." In this context, HLD negotiates Group-wide contracts for its equity interests, so that each entity can benefit from the best offers at the best financial conditions.
"But the Group approach doesn't stop there," concludes Julien Cordouan, "because cross-functionality and synergies are also weapons of choice. With these meetings in particular, we've built up a community within our shareholdings that exchanges, informs and shares far beyond the Cyber days."